Were currently in the midst of a years-long process that will ebb and flow according to Hashem's need to chastise, punish and refine us as a nation.
It won't be over in a month, or even a year.
The Israeloids Among Us
The Jewish people, unfortunately, are a stiff necked bunch who require far too much hashgacha just to do what they're told.
And that's why it bears repeating that the greatest problem we face today comes not from Arab murderers or Xian infiltrators, though those groups wield deadly swords both. Rather, it's the Israeloid influence that does the greatest damage.
The modern state of Israel and its Erev Rav bosses have ensconced their agents in nearly every town and hamlet in the land, stirring up dissension and undermining authentic Jewish life wherever they're able.
These are the blackest of souls, dedicated to the erasure of authentic Torah Judaism and prepared, like Amalek, to give their lives in the process.
What's more, they see in the current war an opportunity to make great headway toward the accomplishment of that goal.
Avoid, remove, regroup and resist.
It's important to remember that the Erev Rav literally feeds off authentic Jews—like ticks off a deer.
If you don't offer them your blood, they die.
And so we recommend you stop.
Avoid the talkative types. If they're not Erev Rav agents themselves, they're the type those agents love to siphon information from.
Make do with less chat.
That being said, make do with less altogether.
But most importantly, especially now, the need to remove yourself from the dire influence of those nearby from whom you have little to gain spiritually is paramount.
Allow us to explain.
Those paying attention know that the call of the hour during this time of war is for achdut.
You've heard it endlessly sounded by all and sundry to the point that it's now become a mantra, a slogan, an advertising jingle, that b’yachad n’natzeach, together we will win.
But is it really so?
Both Rav Kahane and Rav Binyamin hy”d ztz”l warned us repeatedly that the call to unity has to be accompanied by a goal that's genuinely worthy of circling the wagons. If it’s not—if it's just unity for the sake of feeling “well, at least I'm not alone”—then we learned that can very quickly turn into a migdal Bavel unity, or an egel hazahav unity or a Korach unity, G-d forbid.
There's unity stam, and there's unity for the sake of Hashem, to do His will and sanctify His great and glorious name.
And now that the unity chorus is growing, and the bumper stickers have been printed and the flags unfurled and the talking heads are busily imploring us to remain united at all cost, we have to be extraordinarily guarded—even if said unity is for an outcome we all share: the complete eradication of a cruel enemy.
Because the temptation of those who want to ‘unify’ us will always be, in the end, to steer the herd toward their own warped and corrupted ends.
And as our leadership has already proved aplenty that it’s got anything but our interests in mind when it introduces some new national action plan, be it for war, public health, economic growth, or the need for a "common curriculum", we’d be foolish to robotically swallow the bait.
United we stand, divided we fall.
But what about that old, pithy maxim that's been intoned across the centuries to rally the masses to greatness? From Patrick Henry to Winston Churchill and others, haven’t those words brought about historically significant results?
Yes and no.
That is, the important part has always been with whom you're united, and from whom you divide.
And that's an iron law, set into our own Jewish thought via the concept of Havdala, separation.
Now get it straight, we're not calling for a wholesale revocation of relations between good Jews and those with whom we’ve yet to develop deep and abiding relationships.
Rather, we're warning that the temptation to join hands with the evildoers in our communities, to forgive what would otherwise be unforgiveable, and to countenance their worst behaviors in the name of the above mentioned, so-called unity, is a grave mistake.
Another Side to the Jew
The stresses of war (or famine or natural disaster, etc.) expose aspects of the human personality that might othrtwise remain invisible for a lifetime.
Behaviors and traits you may never witness in the workaday world—an extreme character flaw, a petty selfishness, or even a psychopathic streak—will suddenly come clear during war, revealing a different person entirely from the one you’ve become accustomed to.
Or the converse: an extraordinary generosity or willingness to devote one's time and energy, or even risk one's life and wellbeing for the sake of a fellow Jew might also become apparent.
That's what crises do.
They bring out the best and worst in a man.
And that's why we're urging you to keep your eyes peeled. To watch the game carefully, and bind yourself exclusively to those who are worthy of you and yours, and even to call it "unity", if you wish.
Good people coming together will always be strengthened for the good.
And as for the rest?
Of course, one should be ready to accept and affirm and encourage anyone who genuinely desires to l’kadesh shem shamayim and isn't simply looking to infiltrate.
Sadly, out here on the hilltops, there are too many of those in the latter camp, people who operate for the sake of their Erev Rav paymasters, or who merely aspire to local control, or self aggrandizement.
They must never be embraced.
By avoiding the general call to unity—and those who scream loudest for it; by removing yourself to whatever extent possible from those you observe to be... how shall we call it... ‘semitically challenged’—whose behavior in word and deed doesn't conform with what you'd expect from a G-d fearing Jew; and by regrouping with those who do; you will put yourself on a far sturdier war footing, the better to ward off the enemy’s next foray in the battle for Hashem, His holy Torah and those who genuinely fear Him.
G-d help us all.
Dean Maughvet
Looks like we're on the same page.