New Hilltop Youth Yeshiva Equips the Lads with Serious Torah Learning AND a Geulah-Friendly Skillset
Utterly Amazing...
Before we move on to equally serious matters, consider the following one and a half minute video—
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We’re talking here about a serious gemara-based learning environment for kids who simply can’t sit for twelve hours straight in the bet midrash.
Afternoons, they learn for their bagruyot in English, Hebrew and Math and engage in those special programs that will assist them to settle the land, build their homesteads and fix their tractors.
Know, too, that on their own initiative, a number of boys have already begun an evening daf yomi session to fill out their learning program.
This is the future of our people, good Jews.
Save the Hilltop Youth gets nothing from what you donate to the yeshiva.
Just the satisfaction of knowing that good youth are headed in the right direction.
“Man was not created for himself…
Rather, [he was meant] to benefit others with everything that’s in his power to do.”
Rav Chaim m’Volozhin, ztz”l
G-d bless.
The Chafetz Chaim says that two things are required to avoid the chevlei hamashiach: l’harbot b’talmud Torah and gemilut chasadim.
With your donation to the yeshiva (gemilut chasadim) you’ll be enabling a wonderful group of Jewish youth to engage in Torah study—for which you’ll also be rewarded!
Please give generously.
With love of Israel,
Dean Maughvet