For if they were real Jews, they would have been throwing rocks at Arab cars after a Jewish woman was murdered — and not leaving the task to their more noble-minded and youthful betters.
Separately, a story appeared just days after Ahuvya’s killing that was entitled:
IDF reinforcing troops in Judea and Samaria
And the reason given for the soldierly build-up was as follows —
“IDF prepares for escalation in Judea and Samaria following deadly terror attack and car chase.”
Now, granted, it appeared on Arutz 7, the propaganda organ of the settler establishment (as devout a collection of Hellenists as ever trod the land).
But still the question must be asked — why are Israeli soldiers being mobilized because of Ahuvya’s car chase? And why, even, after Esther Horgan’s murder.
Because the build-up is still clearly in evidence.
And the answer…?
But, of course, you already knew.
To protect the sweet Philistine denizens of Oslovian Areas A and B from the wrath of messianic settler kikery — that roams animal-like over the Hilltops of Yehuda and Shomron wantonly seeking new victims.
Sarcasm aside, let that sink in for a minute.
The Israeli army — and let’s be straight about this, it’s predominantly MaGaVnikim — are spreading out across the occupied Philistine lands to keep the Jews in check.
Sure, it’s not the first time it’s happened.
But it’s about to ratchet up a notch.
So prepare, friends, but don’t be alarmed.
For the Final Redemption is fast approaching.
And they know it.
And they fear it.
And their judgment awaits,
Dean Maughvet