Try this one on…
In 2017, Uri (Too Tall) Ariel, a well-liked zionist with a knitted skull-cap, in his capacity as agriculture minister, leased the murderous communist Chinese horde 1,000,000 dunams of prime Negev farmland.
One Million Dunams
And why would he do something like that?
Well, we can only presume that it was all the better to keep you in the breadlines, my pretty.
And to acclimate you to eating bugs and synthetic beef product, and other foodstuffs that were specially ordained for a more congenial serfitude.
Don’t think so.
Because only the communist Chinese horde (and that includes the 120 members of the Israeli Knesset, who couldn’t give a toot or whistle about anything but television airtime and their pensions — and yes, that includes the lovely, skull-capped zionists Ben Gvir and Smotrich) — knows what’s best for you.
We now return to our story.
In the fall of 2017, Minister Ariel sent his bureaucrat lackey, Shlomo Ben Eliyahu (son of the late Rav Mordechai Eliyahu — you see how it works?), to Beijing to finalize the details and make sure the genocidal maniacs got all they wanted, which included the aforementioned 240,000 acres (one million dunams), even though —
The deal greatly impinges on Israeli food security, particularly wheat production;
It cuts deeply into our ability to produce silage (feed) for our dairy sector, a development that could cause severe inflationary repercussions for milk products;
It makes for wholesale changes to the land-lease regimen of the state, bumping from three-year maximum terms for kibbutzim and moshavim in the area, to 21 years (!) for the savage Chinese — with an opportunity to renew for ANOTHER 21-year term after the lease expires. Lost in the process, of course, is the flexibility that shorter lease terms afford farmers to address local shortages.
Though the Chinese will finance the irrigation of what’s purported to be avocado groves, the move will also necessitate the building of two huge desalination facilities in the Mediterranean, which all parties agree would raise production costs, perhaps to a level that renders the entire project financially unviable.
Moeover, desalination is known to damage shorelines and fisheries, as the process dumps massive quantities of salt back into the sea. Almost nothing can survive the extreme salt saturation that results — as anyone familiar with the Dead Sea can attest. Efforts to build a new desalination plant in the Western Galilee have met with fierce opposition from local residents, fishermen and environmentalists aware of the massive pollution also caused by these facilities.
Inexplicably, one Israeli desalination plant, that goes by the name Sorek, ships its water to the Kinneret, where a good percentage is then forwarded… to whom?
The Jordanians!
Because they don’t have enough!
And we do…?
That’s why we need more such facilities — to irrigate Chinese avocados in the desert.
The murderous Chinese horde is the new Master of the World, friends.
Their whims and desires will be served.
Their example followed.
Their models duplicated.
And don’t you know… very shortly they’ll be coming here.
You’ll see them in the flesh — the vicious, gawdless, genocidal marauders themselves — with your very own eyes.
But they won’t be coming to box up their avocados…
Time to grow your own.
Dean Maughvet
...not to mention they are notorious for the use of various... [we'll call them] chemicals. But really the lst goes on as to why this is very bad indeed [for the Jews]. But who cares about them?