If the Charedim were to form an alliance with the settlers we'd be unstoppable. Possibly worthy of siyata dishmaya to defeat the Erev Rav deep state, expel our enemies, and build the 3rd temple.

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In my opinion, that's our only hope.

I wrote about it, obliquely, here…


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I met some bochurim from Ponevich in Homesh a few years ago, when we were still getting chased by magav and soldiers. More and more Haredim are open to our ideals of settling the Land and not allowing laws of man to contradict the laws of God. But we'll see what will be.

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Up in Gav HaHar, we get loads of yeshiva bochurs every shabbat.

They're looking for something, that's for sure.

Maybe it's the kugel at kiddush...?

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I think this betrays a fundamental misunderstanding of how Chareidim expect Moshiach to come and rebuild the Beis Hamikdash. They fully expect it to be a vertly miraculous occurrence, rather than a Rambamesque natural, though Divinely ordained, process.

I intend on fleshing out the various eschatological views out further, as I think they underpin a lot of the misunderstandings and disagreements between factions.

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Thank you for your feedback! I have no issues with what you have written - I agree that other people's perception of Chareidim is warped, primarily due to their own biases, and my purpose was to shed some light on what motivates Chareidim.

Your framing of them fighting the Erev Rav is correct, but outside most people's Overton Window - most view the Zionists as misguided rather than malevolent. My motivation is to move that Overton window more subtly by framing things in a language more palatable to a larger audience.

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I won't speak for Peleg Yerushalmi, because it seems like Rav Shmuel Aurbach opposed both Oslo and the expulsion from Gaza, but the mainstream Haredi rabbis in the 90s supported Oslo fully. Many dati leumi rabbis did as well, but at least they didn't pretend to oppose the state. If the Haredim hate the secular zionists so much, why did they support so many of their terrible actions, chief among them the cursed Oslo accords? Why aren't they trying to change the homsexual and feminist indoctrination of the army, rather than using it as an excuse not to serve? The people who believe what we do are a small minority in Israel. We could really use the help of the haredim.

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When you say mainstream Haredi rabbis, you're referring to politicians, and those who give them support. The rest of the anti-state clique likely didn't pay any attention to things like Oslo and Gush Katif.

As for trying to change the army's character, you understand what you're asking?

It would be like going into a treif restaurant and ordering a cold salad. Then encouraging other frum Jews to do the same. And then hoping that if enough genuine yidden followed suit, maybe the restaurant would stop serving pork chops and get a hechsher.

C'mon, brother.

Makes no sense.

Not sure I'm one of "The people who believe what we do..."

My "we" is with the chareidim as far as army service goes.


And G-d willing, my sons won't go either.

Until there's a Jewish alternative, why die for the Erev Rav?

Better to spend one's energy resisting by every possible means the state and its apparatchiks.

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