We the Charedim are losers: we allow Arabs to drive our buses and play the Muslim prayers over the radio. We need to have our own independent army and secede from the state of Israel. Thanks to the short sightedness of the Charedi leadership (muh gedoilim) , we live in poverty and debt and live in dilapidated shoe boxes. We allowed the police thugs to close down our institutions and businesses during the corona scam. If we had actually fought back properly, we would win. Both the Dati Leumi and the Charedim are state boot lickers. Both Haredism and Dati Leumism are distortions. Gods will is the temple, only Jews living in Israel. Gods will is that we're building truly affordable housing and walking on the grass with bare feet. This modern day malaise will never be treated as long as the masses believe only the corrupt government can solve our problems.
By the way, the affordable housing and barefoot grass-walking is available outside the cities. Yehuda and Shomron offer countless opportunities for would-be hilltop youthsters like yourself!
I'm not sure peleg yerushalmi would be so useful. Their ideology doesn't seem to allow for any Jewish state, however loyal to the Torah, in Israel before the coming of moshiach. Unless you know something I don't about their ideology, I'm under the impression that their refusal to draft is due to ideological rather than practical reasons. That is, even if the army was the ideal Torah army I don't know if they would join.
I'm with them. The disintegration of the modern State of Israel will usher in the Kingdom of David. At that time, my guess is they will ALL be honored to serve in the army of the House of David.
The reason they don't do so today is because of the anti-Torah nature of TzaHaL.
We the Charedim are losers: we allow Arabs to drive our buses and play the Muslim prayers over the radio. We need to have our own independent army and secede from the state of Israel. Thanks to the short sightedness of the Charedi leadership (muh gedoilim) , we live in poverty and debt and live in dilapidated shoe boxes. We allowed the police thugs to close down our institutions and businesses during the corona scam. If we had actually fought back properly, we would win. Both the Dati Leumi and the Charedim are state boot lickers. Both Haredism and Dati Leumism are distortions. Gods will is the temple, only Jews living in Israel. Gods will is that we're building truly affordable housing and walking on the grass with bare feet. This modern day malaise will never be treated as long as the masses believe only the corrupt government can solve our problems.
Amen, she ken yehi ratzon.
By the way, the affordable housing and barefoot grass-walking is available outside the cities. Yehuda and Shomron offer countless opportunities for would-be hilltop youthsters like yourself!
Come join the gang!
I'm too addicted to modern conveniences, but you have my attention. Where shall we go if I want to be around the like minded?
Modern conveniences?
Out here, most folks have flush toilets and cast iron stoves! And no shortage of firewood, either.
You're not lacking for anything in the neighborhood of Shechem.
I'm not sure peleg yerushalmi would be so useful. Their ideology doesn't seem to allow for any Jewish state, however loyal to the Torah, in Israel before the coming of moshiach. Unless you know something I don't about their ideology, I'm under the impression that their refusal to draft is due to ideological rather than practical reasons. That is, even if the army was the ideal Torah army I don't know if they would join.
I'm with them. The disintegration of the modern State of Israel will usher in the Kingdom of David. At that time, my guess is they will ALL be honored to serve in the army of the House of David.
The reason they don't do so today is because of the anti-Torah nature of TzaHaL.