A time honored example, of History Repeating Itself. No matter the education level of out time.

Allan Weiss

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Great to hear from you, Allan.

You're right. Education never helped anyone survive. More often, it's an impediment.

It's the simple Jews who'll make it through, in our view. Steadfast lovers of Torah. Not the sophisticates.

G-d bless us all.

Hope you'll join us on the hilltops!


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There's no question in my mind the third option is completely wrong and non-Jewish. We do not turn the other cheek. We learn from our forefathers the proper way. Dovid Hamelech was commanded by H' to wipe away our enemies. Then there is the law of someone comes to kill you, you have to kill him first. Torah is common sense. Those who think that being sheep to the slaughter is correct really have no faith (emunah/bitachon) in H' and are quite fatalistic, like some of the religions believe (which are all avodah zorah). This present milchamah should be a one, two, three operation and done as fast as possible trying to save every Yehudi life which will also give chizuk to our people, besides davening, Tehilim, Tzedakah, Teshuva. This shows proper E,munah & Bitachon in H' and never to rely on anyone or any nation. This is something that H' abhors and which nevery works.

We know that H' wants us to do hishtadlut and then He takes over. That is showing our emunah, our love and bitachon in Hakodesh Baruch Hu, and which guarantees lessening the loss of life and victory.

There's one hitch to this whole scenario and that is the Erev Rav is running the show and are in cahoots with sonim; otherwise, there wouldn't even be these questions.

Also, those 'Jews' who believe we wait for Moshiach to protect ourselves and act as slaves of our mortal enemies are most likely of the erev rav. We know the outcome of the then rabbis in Europe who

told the people to wait it out and all will be well. That worked, didn't it?

The only thing at the moment is that there must not be a letup until the soneh is completely wiped out.

I believe these are the chevlai Moshiach and praying that we soon see the arrival of MBY to fulfill his mission.

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Shalom Shoshana!

Couldn't agree with you more.

Hishtadlut means we don't count on a miracle.

There will be miracles, of course, but they'll come derech hateva.

So we provide the kli, the vessel, that makes it appear that Hashem wasn't involved.

But He is.


And always for the good.

G-d bless you and yours and all the good Jews and Noahides to get through these chevlei mashiach.

Tzniut, Talmud Torah, and lots and lots of chesed!



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