It's called toxic positivity and it's a PLAGUE. The gaslighting during COVID was unreal. Even the ones who agreed with me said I shouldn't make a scene because I'm "suffocating" those who believe in it. Really? Opposing psychological terrorism (masking, lockdowns, curfews) somehow I'm the one doing the suffocating! I believe this fake war is our punishment for not fighting back against the nonsensical evil COVID restriction.
It's been floating around in the past couple of years. Toxic positivity means the inability to handle anything negative. Whether it is a situation or an emotion. People with toxic positivity will engage in subtle gaslighting and projection to avoid or change the subject. People who do this kind of thing are known as "emotional retards." I'm sure you've met the type. You tell them that you're going through a hard time. The response you'll typically get is "chin up, focus on the good, everything is from HaShem!" It's impossible to talk about anything of consequence or substance with these air heads. I've nothing against optimism and hope, I'm against self righteous denial.
Mamlakhtim are not real, Religious Zionists. They are brainwashed. Even the more Torani public schools are being whittled away to be unrecognizable from the regular Mamlakhti Datti schools. Taughting more hours on religious subjects, what's the point if its orchestrated state loyalist hashqafah (point of view)?
Religious Zionist friends of mine were already sending their kids to Haredi schools, Bostoner in Har Nof to be specific. The Bostoner Rebbe ztz"l at the time was one of the few Haredi rabbis coming out agains the expulsion of Jews from Gaza. He was more Zionist than the "Zionists."
Still working on a post about this... What is Zionism, and Where to Point the Finger...
I agree with a lot this but not with the sentiment that our main purpose in this world is biur hara.
I think that is mainly Mashiach job (though if evil confronts us we much deal it). Today the rule is אם ראית רשע שהשעה משחקת לו
Our main tafkid right now is tikun haadam not tikun haolam.
However, the Charedim prove that the power if tikun haadam is immense. They focus on doing their own thing yet the secular are much more afraid of them then of anyone else because they see that they will soon be outbred.
The mistake is to not recognize what G-d Himself expected from the secular state:
1. To ingather exiles.
2. To build the physical infrastructure of the Messianic Era. I did not expect spiritual values worth pursuing from those who rebel against G-d.
3. To discover our archeological ancient past in order to connect ourselves to our holy mission in Eretz Yisrael.
I made Aliyah 21 1/2 years ago. I never expected anything more of the State, except for fighting wars to make our lives safer, a task for which the State has now failed miserably.
It would be my opinion that a militia army without professional training would be very ill equipped to fight a modern war. Also if you have multiple sepparate organizations, one would think that there would be infighting, as like it or not you would have militias form along political lines, at least in the current state of Israel. I don’t think you would want to live in a state that relies on both a haredi ultra orthodox and a communist militia to defend the same border
“ In short, if the Chashmonaim were found so hateful in Hashem’s eyes merely because they weren't from shevet Yehuda…..” whom, exactly is speaking on G-d’s behalf?
Better ways to fight than the Gaza wood chopper? Care to elaborate?
2. Morally. As in Torah morality. From the air. Decimate. Leave no soul alive. After several days, resume bombardment if hostages not released. Continue the process until the entire world is chanting, in unison, "NAZIS, NAZIS, NAZIS..."
DId you read the commentary? I just quoted it. Is that not the Jewish approach? What's lacking here? And who's more trustworthy, RaMBaN? or Harold Landa?
I'm not really sure what you're aiming at. Do you have another authority who disagrees with the RaMBaN's read? If so, by all means, bring it.
Yes, Jacob was upset with the anger. See the commentaries, as suggested. And bring dissenting views. We're happy to entertain them.
Back during the COVID scam, I asked a Yeshivishe Rabbi why he follows all the restrictions even though the evidence clearly shows that evil is being done. His response was scary. I am not paraphrasing: "I follow rotzoin HaShem. Rotzoin HaShem and daas toireh is to follow the gedoilim, aye you can taineh the doctors are meshuchad but it doesn't matter because daas toireh is to follow daas roiv haroifim and the misrad habriut. I follow rotzoin HaShem. I follow the gedoilim." He didn't answer my question on how one determines who's a gadol and a doctor. Same thing with the sirens. Last shabbos minchah during kerias hatorah, we ran to the bomb shelter like they sheep we are. When we finally got back into the shul, this same yeshivish (publicly known as mentally ill) "rabbi" joker goes on his sane demented shtick. "It's rotzoin HaShem to go into the the shelters when there's a siren. It daas toireh." By then then I had had it. I screamed at him "oh shut up Mr K! Do you have any idea of how idiotic you sound? There are no Yemeni rockets, it's all theatre, it's all a scam, It's all conspiracy to cancel Shabbos and yiddishkeit." I get laughed at by the smug official narrative believers who think that rejecting any alternative explanation out of hand makes one enlightened. and educated. Then the former shaarei tzedek worker piped up. "I saw so many people dying of COVID in the wards." I lost it with him too: "the health ministries that you worship g
have publicly admitted that the whole thing was a hoax: those people you saw die were injected with midolazapam and murdered." I am so sick and tired of hearing "everything is from HaShem, I believe in HaShem." This knee jerk coping method with witnessing the worst kinds of evil. Everything from police brutality to political corruption. It's a great way to get good people to put up with evil. Agh!
It's called toxic positivity and it's a PLAGUE. The gaslighting during COVID was unreal. Even the ones who agreed with me said I shouldn't make a scene because I'm "suffocating" those who believe in it. Really? Opposing psychological terrorism (masking, lockdowns, curfews) somehow I'm the one doing the suffocating! I believe this fake war is our punishment for not fighting back against the nonsensical evil COVID restriction.
By the way, "toxic positivity" is a perfect name for it.
Is that yours?
It's been floating around in the past couple of years. Toxic positivity means the inability to handle anything negative. Whether it is a situation or an emotion. People with toxic positivity will engage in subtle gaslighting and projection to avoid or change the subject. People who do this kind of thing are known as "emotional retards." I'm sure you've met the type. You tell them that you're going through a hard time. The response you'll typically get is "chin up, focus on the good, everything is from HaShem!" It's impossible to talk about anything of consequence or substance with these air heads. I've nothing against optimism and hope, I'm against self righteous denial.
I'm with you.
It's not too late.
Mamlakhtim are not real, Religious Zionists. They are brainwashed. Even the more Torani public schools are being whittled away to be unrecognizable from the regular Mamlakhti Datti schools. Taughting more hours on religious subjects, what's the point if its orchestrated state loyalist hashqafah (point of view)?
Religious Zionist friends of mine were already sending their kids to Haredi schools, Bostoner in Har Nof to be specific. The Bostoner Rebbe ztz"l at the time was one of the few Haredi rabbis coming out agains the expulsion of Jews from Gaza. He was more Zionist than the "Zionists."
Still working on a post about this... What is Zionism, and Where to Point the Finger...
I agree with a lot this but not with the sentiment that our main purpose in this world is biur hara.
I think that is mainly Mashiach job (though if evil confronts us we much deal it). Today the rule is אם ראית רשע שהשעה משחקת לו
Our main tafkid right now is tikun haadam not tikun haolam.
However, the Charedim prove that the power if tikun haadam is immense. They focus on doing their own thing yet the secular are much more afraid of them then of anyone else because they see that they will soon be outbred.
There are those capable of taking on a rasha she hasha’ah m’sacheket lo.
May we all be zoche to be such Jews.
The mistake is to not recognize what G-d Himself expected from the secular state:
1. To ingather exiles.
2. To build the physical infrastructure of the Messianic Era. I did not expect spiritual values worth pursuing from those who rebel against G-d.
3. To discover our archeological ancient past in order to connect ourselves to our holy mission in Eretz Yisrael.
I made Aliyah 21 1/2 years ago. I never expected anything more of the State, except for fighting wars to make our lives safer, a task for which the State has now failed miserably.
Wow. We landed nearly the same time. Arrived Pesach '04, almost 21 years ago.
The wars are going to be fought by local, self-interested militias going forward. The state has failed, as you say.
Not sure where you're located, but out in the yishuvim it's clear that TzaHaL is not up to the task.
When they finally pull up and leave, our hands will no longer be tied.
That's when things will begin to change for the better.
Thanks for writing.
It would be my opinion that a militia army without professional training would be very ill equipped to fight a modern war. Also if you have multiple sepparate organizations, one would think that there would be infighting, as like it or not you would have militias form along political lines, at least in the current state of Israel. I don’t think you would want to live in a state that relies on both a haredi ultra orthodox and a communist militia to defend the same border
A youth with a rock and a slingshot and G-d on his side can't defeat a seasoned, armored warrior three times his size?
Correct, I don't want to live in a state.
A kingship of believing Jews.
No less.
And no "defending" anything.
I like this mindset. I suppose what I’m saying that in its current state, Israel couldn’t do without a centralized military system
Israel in its current state is a disaster precisely because of its centralized military system.
Because of the draft and the military’s values?
How can I contact you?
You can click on the MESSAGE DEAN MAUGHVET button at the end of the post, or email me at
“ In short, if the Chashmonaim were found so hateful in Hashem’s eyes merely because they weren't from shevet Yehuda…..” whom, exactly is speaking on G-d’s behalf?
Better ways to fight than the Gaza wood chopper? Care to elaborate?
1. RaMBaN. (Who, not whom.)
2. Morally. As in Torah morality. From the air. Decimate. Leave no soul alive. After several days, resume bombardment if hostages not released. Continue the process until the entire world is chanting, in unison, "NAZIS, NAZIS, NAZIS..."
See here:
The Ramban speaks for G-d?
Murder them all? I understand the sentiment. Not sure whether to agree with Shimon & Levi or Yaakov’s opinion on this .
The RaMBaN is a trusted commentary on Chumash.
See his comments, as indicated.
Shimon, Levi and Yaakov all agreed on the necessity of the deed. Yaakov took umbrage with their anger.
See the commentaries in Parashat Vayechi at Shimon and Levi -- " their anger..."
So a trusted commentary speaks for G-d?
It’s the anger Jacob was upset with, not their deeds? He approved?
DId you read the commentary? I just quoted it. Is that not the Jewish approach? What's lacking here? And who's more trustworthy, RaMBaN? or Harold Landa?
I'm not really sure what you're aiming at. Do you have another authority who disagrees with the RaMBaN's read? If so, by all means, bring it.
Yes, Jacob was upset with the anger. See the commentaries, as suggested. And bring dissenting views. We're happy to entertain them.
Certainly Nachmanides is of our greatest Kewosj scholars. Does he speak for G-d?
Exactly right: it's either whom or who exactly. Whom exactly makes no sense grammatically.
Back during the COVID scam, I asked a Yeshivishe Rabbi why he follows all the restrictions even though the evidence clearly shows that evil is being done. His response was scary. I am not paraphrasing: "I follow rotzoin HaShem. Rotzoin HaShem and daas toireh is to follow the gedoilim, aye you can taineh the doctors are meshuchad but it doesn't matter because daas toireh is to follow daas roiv haroifim and the misrad habriut. I follow rotzoin HaShem. I follow the gedoilim." He didn't answer my question on how one determines who's a gadol and a doctor. Same thing with the sirens. Last shabbos minchah during kerias hatorah, we ran to the bomb shelter like they sheep we are. When we finally got back into the shul, this same yeshivish (publicly known as mentally ill) "rabbi" joker goes on his sane demented shtick. "It's rotzoin HaShem to go into the the shelters when there's a siren. It daas toireh." By then then I had had it. I screamed at him "oh shut up Mr K! Do you have any idea of how idiotic you sound? There are no Yemeni rockets, it's all theatre, it's all a scam, It's all conspiracy to cancel Shabbos and yiddishkeit." I get laughed at by the smug official narrative believers who think that rejecting any alternative explanation out of hand makes one enlightened. and educated. Then the former shaarei tzedek worker piped up. "I saw so many people dying of COVID in the wards." I lost it with him too: "the health ministries that you worship g
have publicly admitted that the whole thing was a hoax: those people you saw die were injected with midolazapam and murdered." I am so sick and tired of hearing "everything is from HaShem, I believe in HaShem." This knee jerk coping method with witnessing the worst kinds of evil. Everything from police brutality to political corruption. It's a great way to get good people to put up with evil. Agh!
Hashem should help us through it. It's quite maddening.
Yishar koach for piping up!