1. It is important that put of this view. Rav Bar Hayim himself has said, and truly believes, that even any ruling/opinion of a rabbinical authority must stand up to scrutiny. He is no fan of rabbis who are dismissive of questions to their rulings and "authority."
2. "Glibly urbane?" Wish you would have chosen different words. True, it seems you are only going on the words that you hear. But FYI RBH is much deeper than than. He, himself, may see the Knesset as something that may still exist in the near future, but it would have a radically different role (and composition). Let's just say that we are reminded that not everyone and his cousin is "kosher" to sit on a decision making body. Personally I believe they Knesset could be used as a body of representatives bringing petitions and relevant information to the King, so that he can make informed decisions, and not a decision-making body itself, unless the King has already approved some options for them.
3. On the other hand, we should learn from our mistakes, and not repeat them. "He believes he can make a difference from within." Rav Kahane learned this lesson. Rav Benny Elon should have learned this lesson, but I don't think so. He also used these words about facilitating change from within. He brought a change in the Law of Return to Sharon. It "failed" in cabinet, so Sharon (who may not even have been Jewish) shrugged, and said, "Well, we tried." Hopefully Moshe Feiglin has learned this lesson. But I doubt it. Ben Gvir has had roadblocks put up against him at every step of the way. But he doesn't seem to be getting the message.
4. Regarding the IDF. Because it already has the infrastructure, it makes sense to refrain from throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
5. I hope that everyone, even some on the Erev Rav left acknowledge that the Haredi draft issue, for example, has never been about the Haredi draft. It's about indoctrination, not to mention having something to demonize Haredim about.
6. I mentioned this before, and I will mention this probably 1,000 more times, the Haredim and the [real] settlers are our future. Very frustrating that they can't together much.
Mixed feelings about this post:
1. It is important that put of this view. Rav Bar Hayim himself has said, and truly believes, that even any ruling/opinion of a rabbinical authority must stand up to scrutiny. He is no fan of rabbis who are dismissive of questions to their rulings and "authority."
2. "Glibly urbane?" Wish you would have chosen different words. True, it seems you are only going on the words that you hear. But FYI RBH is much deeper than than. He, himself, may see the Knesset as something that may still exist in the near future, but it would have a radically different role (and composition). Let's just say that we are reminded that not everyone and his cousin is "kosher" to sit on a decision making body. Personally I believe they Knesset could be used as a body of representatives bringing petitions and relevant information to the King, so that he can make informed decisions, and not a decision-making body itself, unless the King has already approved some options for them.
3. On the other hand, we should learn from our mistakes, and not repeat them. "He believes he can make a difference from within." Rav Kahane learned this lesson. Rav Benny Elon should have learned this lesson, but I don't think so. He also used these words about facilitating change from within. He brought a change in the Law of Return to Sharon. It "failed" in cabinet, so Sharon (who may not even have been Jewish) shrugged, and said, "Well, we tried." Hopefully Moshe Feiglin has learned this lesson. But I doubt it. Ben Gvir has had roadblocks put up against him at every step of the way. But he doesn't seem to be getting the message.
4. Regarding the IDF. Because it already has the infrastructure, it makes sense to refrain from throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
5. I hope that everyone, even some on the Erev Rav left acknowledge that the Haredi draft issue, for example, has never been about the Haredi draft. It's about indoctrination, not to mention having something to demonize Haredim about.
6. I mentioned this before, and I will mention this probably 1,000 more times, the Haredim and the [real] settlers are our future. Very frustrating that they can't together much.
(to be continued)
You say that many are wondering out loud...can you show examples? I don't doubt you, only wish to see their perspectives.
Tomer Devorah blog, Rivka Levy blog and Chananya Weissman have all chimed in on the matter--to name just three.
I'll get you direct links if you can't Google-source them.
All the best,
May it be his will.