Lisa Liel wrote an insightful piece differentiating between “Bring Them Home!”, the lefty, handbag slogan of the anti-Netanyahu Kaplanists, and “Let Them Go!” a somewhat more Mosaic jingle for the hostage situation that puts the focus on the kidnappers, may they all die a miserable, cockroach death.
And while we agree with the sentiment, the truth of the matter is to be found elsewhere.
To begin, it’s a huge embarrassment that the Jewish nation is negotiating over the lives of its own people. How we got to this level of degradation is beyond comprehension. And the fact that the average Yossi-on-the-bus is not wretching just knowing that this is taking place is equally unfathomable.
Something like this should never have been undertaken.
The Jewish nation does not bargain for the souls of its fellow Jews — and certainly not with the Arab cretin.
Instead, he enjoins the Arab cretin’s brother to negotiate on his behalf.
As we’ve outlined elsewhere, by simply explaining to Beirut or Damascus (or Ankara or Tehran or Amman or whomever) that their city will be destroyed in 24 hours if all the hostages are not released in that time frame — and by continuing, every 24 hours, with the same explanation until the “negotiations” are successful.
There’s no need to meet in Qatar.
Nor to co-ordinate prisoner lists.
No need to request Egypt’s help.
Or for special instructions from negotiation specialists.
Just a press of the button will do.
That’s the dignified, Jewish approach.
Why get dirty with Hamas, when his own Mohammedan brother will get dirty for us far more effectively, and with some genuine passion, to boot.
Yes, we’ve mentioned it HERE before.
But it so bears repeating.
Bring Them Home! is the proper slogan.
And our own government is the proper address for the request.
They just have to send an unequivocally persuasive (and Jewish) message of Let Them Go!
Dean Maughvet
"or whomever) that their city will be destroyed in 24 hours if all the hostages are not released in that time frame — and by continuing, every 24 hours, with the same explanation until the “negotiations” are successful."
Have to be more-or-less "neutral" -- uninvolved-and-prosperous -- cities... Doha, Dubai, Riyadh, and Istanbul come to mind (there are more, ב"ה).